The electronics market requires packaging that is not only strong enough to withhold large masses, but that which is also visually sophisticated, elaborating the technical features of the product. Consequently, high quality packaging that protects and promotes your product simultaneously is required. We provide this in the form of laminated cartons, folded cartons and corrugated cases.
Options available:
- Litho-laminated products
- Folding cartons
- Corrugates Cases
Food & Beverage
The food and beverage industry is an extremely competitive industry that demands product attractiveness and innovation. We can provide visually appealing packaging that both transports and promotes your product. From folding cartons to corrugated cases, all products are custom-made. Golden Era Group ensures all food and beverage packaging meet customer requirements in terms of grease resistant grades, FDA approved grades or PIRA approved grades.
Other packaging products used successfully in this market include wet paper labels, self-adhesive labels, thermo-formed, vacuum-formed containers, Labeltextâ„¢ and Mead packaging.
Options available:
- Letter-press printed Labels
- Silk-screen printed labels
- Wet Labels
- Termo-formed containers
- Vacuum-formed containers
- Labeltextâ„¢
- Mead Packaging
- Folding Cartons
- Corrugated Cases
Industry Products
Majority of industrial products, from manufacturing centres to retail distribution have to be protected. Consequently, most industry customers opt for corrugated cases. Golden Era Group has what it takes to get the job done, producing corrugated board in a popular range of fluting mediums.
Options available:
- Corrugated Cases
- Litho-laminated cases
Health & Beauty
The health and beauty industry demands specialised packaging that reflects technical expertise in conjunction with, retail sales experience. Golden Era Group is able to custom-produce a wide array of innovative solutions that is unique to each product. Health and beauty products need to be promoted through their packaging. We provide packaging solutions that include Labeltext™, paper bags, Notestik®, laminated board, folding cartons, self-adhesive labels as well as wet paper labels.
Options available:
- Labeltextâ„¢
- Notestik®
- Folding Cartons
- Self-adhesive Labels
- Paper Bags
Perishables require packaging that protects, preserves, and markets your product. We partner with our customers to design innovative solutions that meet specific packaging challenges. Our solutions include Labeltextâ„¢, vacuum-formed or thermo-formed containers; wax coated corrugated boxes and multi-wall corrugated cases.
Options available:
- Labeltextâ„¢
- Vacuum-formed containers
- Thermo-formed containers
- Wax coated corrugated cases
- Multi-wall Corrugated cases
Consumer Packaged Goods
The packaging of consumer goods is what promotes the product. Brands are inseparable from their packaging. It is therefore imperative that the packaging is appropriate to the product. We see this as an opportunity for devising creative solutions. We believe in providing innovative solutions that make your product stand out in the crowd. Golden Era Group can provide promotional assistance in the form of Labeltextâ„¢, notepads and reverse side printing on both folding cartons and self-adhesive labels.
Options available:
- Labeltextâ„¢
- Notestik®
- Folding Cartons